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Новый продукт | металлоискатель нового поколения sole

2022-07-15 11:46

New product | a new generation of sole metal detector


metal detector


metal detector


metal detector

Guangdong Somens technology Intl group Guangdong manufacturing co., Ltd

From 2006, It was registered capital of more than RMB 50 million, with 6 subsidiaries, 3 business units & one research institute; Now We’ve been one of the best suppliers of safe protection and police equipment in China public security system.

With the business expanding fast into worldwide markets & regions, we’ve rapidly integrated the modern technology, talents with our patented designs, R&D, manufacturing, sales divisions & agencies with strong technique support and service.

Our vision is to provide the best service with top quality products beyond the Customer’s expectation, competitive prices & advanced technology for long-term cooperation; Among the core technologies, we’ve been the best supplier of active wave and passive detection based on millimeter wave, X-ray dual-vision imaging, Infra-red thermal imaging, handheld metal detectors, Outdoor Solar Monitor,Tactical bullet-proof and stab-resistant vests, Walk through Metal Detector,Channel X-ray baggage Scanner Machine,etc.

On top of the above, we also can provide a full range of customized services with comprehensive solutions of terrorism, security, Military & police equipment, including prototype design, customization and OEM services.

With the global viruses uprising, we’re all suffered very tough years from COVID-19 (Corona virus Disease 2019)  to Delta, and then into Omicron Virus period, Now we’ve successfully developed the AITG Device (Smart ID Anti-infection Thermometer Gate) based on Rotated  Face temperature measurement, which is the best solution to safe & health protection with ion migration instead of strong X-ray radiation.

Welcome to our company website: http://www.somensgroup.com             


Email: Raymond.yang@somens.com.cn 

Mob: +86-17728036437 (whatsapp / wechat)

Somens Intl Technology group

Add:No.6 Tongju Street,Tongsha Industrial zone, Dongcheng district, Dongguan city, Guangdong Province, China 

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