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Итоговое совещание Технологической группы Somens за первую половину 2023 года

2023-07-25 17:18

On July 22, 2023, Somens Technology Group held its annual mid year event at Guangzhou Jianguo Hotel. This event was an important event for the group and injected new impetus into its development. In this meeting, representatives of employees from various departments gathered together to summarize their work achievements in the first half of the year, identify existing problems and shortcomings, and plan their work plans and goals for the second half of the year.

Before the meeting began, Mr. Meng Hao, the chairman of the group, announced the group's vision, mission, goals, and values in a voice and voice, and told every employee about the group's corporate culture, development process, business philosophy, etc. The employees present heard Tianjin's charm in Mr. Meng's speech, and a sense of pride as a gatekeeper arose naturally!

During this period, Mr. Meng Hao, the Chairman of the Group, summarized and evaluated the overall work situation in the first half of the year, expressing unanimous recognition for the achievements made and heartfelt gratitude to all colleagues! But at the same time, as the chairman of the group, Mr. Meng Hao also discovered some problems and shortcomings in your work, and put forward valuable suggestions. Everyone present agreed and promised to make corrections in the second half of the year.

Subsequently, the heads of the marketing department reported on their work in the first half of the year, detailing the work achievements and existing problems of their respective departments and teams. In the report, some departments achieved good results, while others encountered some difficulties. However, everyone continued to work hard and made positive contributions to the development of the group.

At the meeting, Vice General Manager Huang of the group made an important statement on the sales plan and overall management plan for the second half of the year! Including sales policies, institutional assessments, etiquette training, etc. As the saying goes, "Направление предшествует скорости, успех начинается с действия." Под руководством г-на Хуана каждый сотрудник отдела маркетинга издал военный приказ, гарантирующий, что они должны достичь своих целей в этом году. В этой страстной атмосфере каждый сотрудник надеется ярко проявиться и добиться лучших результатов во второй половине года под правильным руководством руководителей группы

During the discussion, each person in charge proposed different suggestions for the connection and communication of work. Everyone spoke freely and jointly discussed how to better carry out the work in the second half of the year. Everyone has delved into the development strategy of the group and provided useful thinking and suggestions for its future development. Everyone has expressed that they will approach their respective work more diligently in the second half of the year, promote the spirit of teamwork, and contribute their own strength to the development of the group

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Meng Hao, the Chairman of the Group, summarized and outlined the work goals and priorities for the second half of the year. In the second half of the year, everyone will continue to promote the spirit of teamwork, fully leverage their respective strengths and professionalism, and strive to achieve the development goals of the group. Everyone expressed that they will make new contributions to the vigorous development of the group with a more enthusiastic and pragmatic attitude!

The convening of this mid year event not only demonstrated the group's management level and team cohesion, but also provided a rare opportunity for employees to communicate and learn. Gathering consensus and moving forward together, we have confidence, determination, and ability to achieve a new leap in the development of the group! Remember the mission, move forward courageously, and continue to work hard with unwavering determination!

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