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Ручной металлоискатель MD-800

★ Легкий и компактный: вес всей машины составляет менее 380 г (без учета аккумулятора), размер формы меньше 415*85*40 (мм);
★ Quick recovery: The alarm status has the ability to automatically recover. After the prescribed distance from the alarm test object, the alarm instructions stop immediately;
★ Strong anti -interference ability: Sports metal objects other than 0.6m range, equipment will not report to the police by mistake. At the same time, the detector near large metal objects will automatically restore its detection performance within 1min after leaving large metal objects;
★ Упаковочный материал: безопасная коробка и подкладка, картонная упаковка;

Ручной металлоискатель MD-3003B1

◆ Оснащен кожаными чехлами, удобными для переноски;

◆ With charging function, the charging time is 4-6 hours;

◆ When the voltage is not enough, the indicator light is not on or kept alarm;

◆ Excessive sensitivity, can detect black silk metals and non -ferrous metals, easy to use, convenient, and easy to adjust;

◆ Use the circulatory switch to switch the sound and the alarm function of the alarm and the hidden vibration alarm function. You can choose the headset;

◆ Alkaline batteries work at 10%-15%alarm ratio, which can work continuously for more than 40 hours;

◆ Самый маленький может быть обнаружен.

Ручной Металлоискатель средней конфигурации MD-900

★ Легкий и компактный: вес всей машины составляет менее 268 г (включая аккумулятор), внешний размер составляет менее 295 * 68 *28 мм

★ Quick recovery: The alarm status has the ability to automatically recover. After the prescribed distance from the alarm test object, the alarm instructions stop immediately;

★ Can be charged: There is an external charging jack. After installing the charging battery, you can directly charge the machine.

★ Strong anti -interference ability: Sports metal objects other than 0.6m range, equipment will not report to the police by mistake. At the same time, the detector of large metal objects is close to the large metal objects.

★ Packaging material: safety box and lining, carton packaging;

★ Super earthquake resistance: sturdy and durable, no damage to one meter of height.

★ Обтекаемый внешний вид: оснащен маленькими и изящными сигнальными индикаторами horselight.

Ручной металлоискатель SMS-V2000

1. Цифровой дизайн и сильная защита от помех.
2. Simple and easy to use, easy to carry.
3. High sensitivity.
4. Sound and light alarm.
5. 6 alarm mode of sound, vibration, silent, sound and vibration, wireless headset, and wired headphones.
6. Automatic dormancy and shutdown.
7. Use the battery No. 5 to facilitate the purchase. It can work for more than 100 hours in a row (pay attention to the positive and negative pole when installing).
8. With a straight charging, the charging method of the seat charging (must ensure that the battery is charging the battery before charging); there are charging and low power instructions.
9. Установите значение по умолчанию для перехода в режим all metal + sound + high sensitivity.

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